
Is skincare syncing a thing? Spoiler: Yes.

Ever felt like your skin changes through your cycle? It does! And it's all because of hormones. Get to know the four phases of your menstrual cycle and start cycle syncing with small changes to your skincare routine, based on each phase. Let’s get into it!

Skin 💦 Moisturize Menstrual phase

Estrogen and progesterone ⬇️ can cause your skin to feel dryer. But there are hacks! Avoid exfoliating & waxing it’s all about planning ahead. Hydrate by drinking plenty of water. Raw honey masks! 🐝 Give yourself some deserved “me” time. Honey hydrates and smoothes existing breakouts.

Skin Play Follicular Phase + Ovulation

Estrogen and progesterone ⬇️ can cause your skin to feel dryer. But there are hacks! Avoid exfoliating & waxing it’s all about planning ahead. Hydrate by drinking plenty of water. Raw honey masks! 🐝 Give yourself some deserved “me” time. Honey hydrates and smoothes existing breakouts.

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